Web and Marketising Agency

WeMarketise Design Service



WeMarketise is committed to providing high-quality work that exceeds our clients' expectations by building long-term relationships with our clients and by supporting them as their businesses grow.

Our web digital agency uses a collaborative approach to ensure that your products efforts align with your overall business goals and objectives.

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Digital World WeMarketise Design

Payment Solutions

Payment Providers


Payment Processors


Payment Compliance


Payment Solutions

Payment Methods

To succeed in today’s worldwide commercial center and win deals against remote competitors, exporters must offer their clients alluring deals terms upheld by the fitting installment strategies.
Since getting paid in full and on time is the extreme objective for each send out deal, an fitting installment strategy must be chosen carefully to play down the payment risk whereas moreover pleasing the requirements of the buyer.
As appeared in figure 1, there are five essential strategies of installment for universal exchanges. During or some time recently contract arrangements, you ought to consider which strategy within the figure is commonly alluring for you and your client.

Payment Providers

A payment service provider, or PSP, offers merchants the support they need to access electronic payments, from credit cards, digital wallets, and more. PayPal and Stripe are both types of payment service provider.
A payment service provider might also be referred to as a third-party payment processing company. However, it’s important to note that a payment provider and a merchant account aren’t the same thing. While traditional merchant account gives merchants their own account, a PSP combines a variety of different merchants under a single umbrella. This means that PSPs take on the complete financial risk of every business it connects with.
Payment service providers can be beneficial to merchants because it makes accessing payments from visa, Mastercard, and other accounts easier. This strategy also reduces the fees commonly associated with merchant accounts.

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Worldwild Payments

We will analyse, thanks to the competitor and trand analysis, we will optimise the call-to-action that most of users should interact with the user interface.

Cryptocurrencies Solution

A digital currency, alias cryptocurrency, is designed to function as a standard of exchange. It uses cryptography to verify and secure transactions, as well as to control the creation of new units of a specific cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are entries in a database that nobody can change without permission. There are a lot of cryptocurrencies, where the most popular is Bitcoin, from Satoshi, still anonymous at this stage. It will help you to reduce transaction fees from different financial institution regarding the banks where you are operating.

Payment versus Compliance

We will guide you what kind of content it should be added to the final user interface :
text, images and videos...
Do not forget we help you to concretize your project with the highest value, but you are the master of your project. We do not influence, we just advice and build as per your ideas plan.

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